Press & Media
Published on The Straits Times, 08 Sep 2017
Comic-Stripping Science of its Mysteries
In an interview with The Straits Times, Otto Fong introduces his sixth book of the Sir Fong's Adventures
In Science series, a collaboration with the National University of Singapore's SynCTI. He explains how
he (in the story) tackles complex debates about synthetic biology, such as whether to bring extinct animals like dinosaurs, back to life or focus on protecting animals that may go extinct in our lifetime.
The print edition of this article can be seen in The Straits Times on September 08, 2017, with the headline as 'Comic-Stripping Science of its Mysteries'.
You may read the digital version from The Straits Times' website here.

Sir Fong's Adventures In Science Book 5 - The Quantum Bunny was proud to be featured in Viewpoint - Magazine of The British Society For The History of Science! Click and download the image to read the texts!

Sir Fong-themed refreshing drinks, unveiled at the recent
Food & Hotel Asia 2016 convention!

LIVE! On Channel News Asia

Published on The Straits Times, 01 Apr 2016
1.3-Billion-Year-Old Space Event Detected
The Straits Times talks about gravitational waves with our comics and our Science advisor, Tan Peng Kian
The print edition of this article can be seen in The Straits Times on April 01, 2016, with the headline as '1.3-billion-year-old space event detected'.
You may read the digital version from The Straits Times' website here.

Published on The Straits Times, 29 Jan 2016
Science Builds Civilisations: Cartoonist
This article talks about an ex-teacher, Otto Fong, behind our science-based comics who wants to inspire kids to invent new things
The print edition of this article can be seen in The Straits Times on January 29, 2016, with the headline as 'Science Builds Civilisations: Cartoonist'.
You may read the digital version from The Straits Times' website here.

Published on 新明日报, Shin Min Daily News, 03 Nov 2015
这篇采访稿描速了前教师为孩童写科学书 / This article talks about how Otto Fong collaborates with Centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, to create this comic book to generate interest on quantum mechanics for children
The print edition of this article can be seen in 新明日报, Shin Min Daily News on November 03, 2015, with the headline as '透过漫画故事了解深奥物理'.
The digital version of this article is not available.

Association of Comic Artists

Association of Comic Artists

星洲日报/Sin Chew Daily

南洋商报/Nanyang Siang Pau
星洲日 报/Sin Chew Daily
What's Up: Coca Cola Thera-Band Ad
What's Up: Singapore's Newspaper for Students
南洋商报/Nanyang Siang Pau
National Critics' Choice Award

Published on The Newpaper On Sunday, 13 Oct 2013
Local Comics Nothing to Laugh At
If you think comics are all about superheroes, well, think again..
The print edition of this article can be seen in The Newpaper On Sunday on October 13, 2013, with the headline as 'Local Comics Nothing To Laugh At'.
The digital version of this article is not available.